Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Camp out at Port Waikato

Have you ever wanted to go camping in the forest? At Port Wiakato you will get to have a chance to do that. At port Wiakato it is so fun you can roast marshmallows  on the fire.

Things you need to make marshmallows.
Sticks, Bag of  Marshmallows, Matches, Wood, Newspaper.

How to make a campfire.  
  1. Pote the fire wood up like a perimed. Step
  2.  Pote the newspaper on top of the fire wood. Step
  3. Lit the fire with matches. Step
  4. roast the marshmallows then eat them, Yummy.  Also you make banana splits if you wanted to do.

Things you need to make a banana split.
banana, Chocolate,  Marshmallows, Tinfoils, fire.

  1. Get the banana and put some marshmallows and chocolate.
  2. Rape the banana in tinfoil.
  3. Make a fire.
  4. Get the ashes in a pille.
  5. Put the banana spit in the ashes and cook it.
  6. When it is dune unwrap it do not eat the skin. Eat

The things inside it, yum yum.

The camp out spot is by a farm it is a short wark. It is down by the camp that we normally stay in. It is surrounded by lots and lots of tree and lots of sheeps to.  Lots  of farmers go to shot lots of pigs. We went on this long long work up the mantane if you wanted to but I did it.  

There is a mud slid to it is so so fun we had these big palm  Tree leaves that's what we slid with it was awesome after a while we tried to slid on our  tummy it heart but we went very very fast though. You go to port wikato every two years everyone will get a turn to go.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Bio Poem

4 words to describe yourself:
sporty fast muscle gamer
Son/daughter/sister/brother of:
son of shirley and darren brother of Mason brother of Hannah
Lover of
gaming technology sport
Who feel  running anger at my brother
Who needs water food sleep
Who gives joy happiness
Who fears sharks wild animals  
Who would like australia ireland   america

Who comes from morrinsville

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

thank you letter

David Street School

Dear Mr Bland,
Thank you for looking after us. It was awesome doing activities with you. My favourite activity was the campout. My favorite part was going to the waterfall. It was freezing cold. It took me a long time to get in.
What was yours best activity?
You were very scary in the burma trail and it was very scary too.
Yours sincerely
Jacob Keating.

Screenshot 2015-05-05 at 2.41.03 PM.png

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Port Waikato Camp - A Moment in Time!

Writing Criteria:
  • Your writing must be about ONE specific moment in time during camp.
  • Make your writing come alive by including your senses.
  • You need an engaging opening sentence that will hook your reader in.
  • You must include AT LEAST ONE complex sentence anywhere in your writing.a
  • Make sure you use the ‘show don’t tell’ technique for each of your senses.

Planning / Prewriting:

My chosen moment in time is: campout
Feel/ Touch
slimy eels,
water fall,
slippery  mud,
banana split,
burgers sizzling,
water splashing,
cold water,
slimy fish,
greasy burgers,
fresh mud,
fresh tree,
delicious banana split,
yucky  mud,
delicious banana split,
A simile or metaphor I will use:
I was going so so fast on the mudslide I was like a race car.

My opening sentence: Look at all of that steem in the burning hot fire.

Craft your piece of writing below, using your planning/brainstorming (do not open a new document).

Look at all of that steem in the warm  burning hot fire. We need more wood for the fire. Look at all those tunes. I think we have something on our creator cache It is a little fish Look a slimy eel.Do you see that freash freazing water. Later we went to the waterfall It was freezing cold. The water was splashing down the waterfall. when we got back we found a slippery mudslide I was going so so fast on the mudslide that I was as fast as a race car. It became dark so we light the fire and we got pan to roast the bergers. we put the burgers in the pan I could hear them sizzling so loud. When they were dune we put on some of the dressing on myn it was delicious and it was so greasy it almost slipped out of my hands. After the bergers we roasted some marshmallows my coat on fire. we thought  of making banana split  we pote some chocolate in them when we finished we wrapped it with tin foil but we didn't post it in a pan we put it by the ashes of the fire. When it was done we undid the tin foil then we eat it it was delishes. by Jacob, keating