Monday, June 29, 2015

when My J-rock 2015 !!!Screenshot 2015-06-23 at 11.36.57 AM.png

In term one there was something coming up called J-rock.   It sounded cool.  There were some notices coming out so I got one. It told us all about J-rock. It was about world war one and the people who went to war and fought for our country. Later on the next day they asked what you wanted to be. I picked  to be a soldier.

We practised for a term and we practised in lines it was hard. When we started to try on our costumes there were nine gold buttons on the soldiers suite. It was itchy.  

On friday we performed to the school to be confident in front of an audience. On Tuesday we performed in Hamilton  this is the moment we have been waiting for. We had a dressing room. We had three practise rounds. One teacher from each school  they had to dance on the stages. They had to pick up a card and said how is going 1st 2nd 3ed and stuff and we had Mrs Board.We were first! We had to wait so so long.We had a big field so that we could play on. We went inside to watch the other people practice.Then it was our turn

to do our real show. We put on our costumes. It was nerves up on the stage. After the performance my mum turned up. I felt a little sick on that day so we went home early and the next day I stayed home. by Jacob Keating.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

On tuesday I meet Hamish Bond and Eric Murray.  Hamish Bond and Eric Marrey are the famous new zealand rowers. and  Casey Kopua. Casey Kopua  is the Captain of the Magic team. after school  in hamilton  it was  at  my dads work at nz windows. There was  thes motorised toilets me and my brother mason was having a race with me there was a baril to like the toilet mason almost fall of the scoters. after awhile we had some lunch we had sausages on bread we had this game in a race car we got the scores because  we had this thing that they have at real races 1st 2nd  3ed. we had prizes for who got the best there was a big flat screen tv. I kept crashing it felt like you were in a real car. It was scary then we had mcdonalds for dinner. by Jacob Keating