Monday, March 21, 2016

New Spider found in Australia

New Spider found in Australia

March 10, 2016
brian spiderAustralia has discovered a new spider which can swim and eat prey up to three times its own size.The new spider has been named ‘Brian’, after a famous scientist called Professor Brian Greene.The spider can be found in Queensland and eats fish, frogs, tadpoles, and even big cane toads.Thankfully the spider isn’t dangerous to humans.A Brian spider catches its prey by sitting on the surface of water, and feeling vibrations caused by the creatures it wants to hunt.When it feels a vibration, it runs across the water to grab its prey.It then dives under the water with it, before swimming back to shore to eat it up. Wow that looks pretty scary I hope they don't put the spiders in new zealand. By Jacob Keating

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